Korea Flora: Deciduous tree or shrub with greenish glabrous branches, Terminal bud 7-13mm long with 2 scales, acuminate, leaf scars V shape or crescent, Leaves deciduous and opposite, leaf blade ovate and acuminate, 7-16cm ×(7)10-16cm, the blade shallowly cordate to rounded at base, shallowly 3-5 fid on upper part with 5 distinctive veins at base, petiole 3-8 cm long, Inflorescence a rather densely many-flowered (15-20) raceme and 8 cm. long, andromonoecious, short-pedunculate, pendrous, and the pedicels 8 mm. long. Seeds 30 mm long. wings spreading obtusely or horizontally.
2n=26 Flowering late Apr. to mid May Fruting late Sept Distribution: NE China, far eastern Russia; Hamkyong, Pyongan, Gangwon, Woods and thickets in mountains in subalpine zone
Russia Flora: Shrubs 10-12 (15) m tall, with a characteristic green bark, then brown or gray - green with longitudinal dark brown stripes. Terminal buds up to 10 mm long., lanceolate-ovate, acute, petiolate; buds 5 (6) mm long, with one pair of outer scales., reddish - light brown, glabrous. Pob. brown-green, often with dark brown spots (usually more than 2 mm in diameter. even under the top of the soil.), glabrous. Leaves 3-5 -lobed, 9-17 cm long., 7-17 cm wide, with a heart-shaped, rounded or truncated base, doubly serrated, glabrous above, sparsely finely fluffy below along the veins, and also with characteristic films in the corners of the veins; lop. l. short (especially on side branches), suddenly narrowed into a short cusp. Petiles 5-9 cm long., shorter l. layer., naked. inflorescence brush, 15-25 flowers, with a bare axle and colors. Sepal half-open, greenish -yellow, glabrous; lep. 3-3.5 mm long., back - ovoid or broadly scapular; bowl. such same length., elliptical; tych. a little in short lep., including 8. fruits 2.5-3 cm long. diverge at a very obtuse angle. 2n = 26. (Gurzenkov 1973)
Nizhne-Zey. (bass. r. Bureya ), Bur., Amg., Ussur. In mixed forests of various types. Color. V. Decorative, can be used in park building. Honey plant. The bark of young p. used by the population as an astringent.
Distribution: Yap. -Kit. (North - East China, peninsula Korea). Described from Khabarov.: " Am nördlichen Amur, C. Maximowicz " ( type - LE).