Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub; Bark vertically fissured, peeling in scales; Winter buds blackish oval with many ciliate scales; Leaves opposite, 3-foliolate, leaflet blades oblong-ovate, remotely serrate with 2-4 corase teeth, middle leaflets 7-8cm (-11cm) x 5cm with densely pilose and hispid midvein, lateral veins adasially conspicuous. Petiole 5cm long with pilose; Inflorescence corymbose, 3-flowered, androdioecious or occasionally andromonoecious, pedicels 13-15mm with brownish or white pilose, sepal and petals 4mm long and yellowish green, stamens 10; Fruit grayish white, densely pubescent, wing including nutlet 40-50 × 15 mm, wings spreading at 90° or erectly.
Flowering May
Fruting late Sept to late Oct.
Distribution: NE China, far eastern Russia; Hamkyong-do, Pyongan-do, Kangwon-do, northern Gyonggi-do, Gyongsangbuk-do (Baekdudae-gan)
Taxonomic notes: Leathery leaf blade with papillary hairs on the surface is called f. subcoriacea Kom., but is regarded as a synonym of A. triflorum.