Tree with greenish glabrous branches; leaves rather thick, flabel- lately 5-angled, 8-15 cm. long and as wide, shallowly 3-fid on upper part, with the central lobes broadly deltoid, acuminate, the lateral lobes acuminate, ascending, smaller, often with an accessory smaller obsolete lobe on the outer side near the base sharply double-serrulate, the blade shallowly cordate to rounded at base, with rusty brown long pubescence on the nerves beneath while young; inflorescence a rather densely many-flowered raceme, short-pedunculate, 5-10 cm. long, the pedicels rather erect, 2-5 mm. long, rusty-brown pubescent; flowers pale green, 8-10 mm. across; sepals 4, oblong, as long as to slightly shorter than the petals; stamens about 8; samaras ascending, 2.5-3 cm. long. Woods and thickets in mountains;