Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub up to 8m tall. Winter buds shap-pointed, 4-8mm long with 4 scales. Terminal bud lacking 2 pseudoterminal buds. Leaf scars V or U shape. Leaves deciduous, opposite, almost circular usually 9-11(13) palmately lobed, abaxial surface along the vain and petioles white-pubescent, red in autum. Inflorescence a many-flowered [(1020-30-flowered] compound pendulous corymb, the peduncles 3 cm long; flowers bisexual and male (androdioecious), red longer sepals and yellow shoter petals, 5-merous, pubescent on the outside; ovary white- pubescent; the wings 2 cm. long, globose and spreading at 90° or obtusely Flowering late Apr to late May (Ganwon-do) Fruting mid Sept to mid Oct Distribution NE China, far eastern Russia; all over the Korean peninsula
Taxonomic notes: A. takesimense Nakai, known as an endemic species of Ulleung-do, has 11-13 lobes of leaves, which are different from a related species, A. pseudosieboldianum by 9-11 lobes of leaves. On the contrary, in terms of A. pseudosieboldianum, the southern part of the southern coastal area is a continuous variation of the island maple. Therefore, based on this single character it is difficult to distinguish A. takesimense from A. pusedosieboldianum and to recognize A. takesimense as an independent species or a variety. In addition, var. ambiuum Nakai, var. Ishidoyanum (Nakai) Uyeki, var. koreanum Nakai, var. lanuginosum Nakai, var. macrocarpum Nakai, var. nudicarpum Nakai, and A.microsieboldianum Nakai based on the degree of schizocarp angle and the quantity of pubescence are treated as synonyms of A. pseudosieboldianum now. A. pseudosieboldianum var. pilosum Nakai is an invalidly published name and this name should not be used any more.
Russia Flora: Tree up to 8 m tall. Terminal buds usually paired, conical-elliptical, up to 4 mm long and 2 mm in diameter, dark cherry-colored, with whitish waxy coating, glabrous; bud bases surrounded by a crown of dense dark brown hairs. Shoots dark cherry-colored, with whitish waxy coating, tangled-hairy at nodes. Leaves 9-11-lobed, almost circular in general outline, 6-7 (10) cm in diameter, usually shallowly cordate at base; young leaves hairy on both sides, mature leaves with hairs only below (along veins and in basal part), leaf lobes shorter than half of leaf blade length, broadly lanceolate, bristly-serrate almost from base. Petioles 3-6 cm long, purple, hairy. Flowers about 4 mm in diameter; petals almost half as long as sepals, ovate, yellowish-white; sepals oblong, acute, purple; stamens slightly longer than sepals. Samaras about 2 cm long, diverging at obtuse angle, their chambers glabrous. 2n=26 (Gurzenkov, 1973). (Table XIX).
Distribution: Ussuri (south). (Fig. 64). - Characteristic tree of the second layer in Korean pine and black fir-broadleaved forests of Southern Primorye, rare in other forest formations. Flowering in May. One of the most ornamental trees of the Soviet Far East, especially striking during autumn leaf coloration; occasionally used in urban landscaping within its range; excellent honey plant. Requires increased protection measures in suburban forests.
General distribution: Japanese-Chinese (Northeast China, Korean Peninsula). - Described from Primorye: "In Manchuria austro-orientali, near Vladivostok, 1860, C. Maximowicz" (type - LE).