Japan Flora: Tree, the branches grayish white, sometimes short-pubescent while young; leaves depressed, 5-angled, 8-15 cm. wide, 5-lobed, often beyond the middle, cordate at base, short-pubescent on both sides especially on nerves, the lobes 5-angled, caudate- acuminate with an obtuse tip, usually with a small obtuse lobule on each side near the middle, the petioles 4-15 cm. long, pubescent with spreading, short hairs: inflorescence panicu- lately corymbose on short peduncles with 10 or more flowers; flowers greenish yellow, about 8 mm. across; sepals oblong, about 4 mm. long; petals as long as the sepals, linear-oblanceolate; stamens slightly exserted; samaras usually yellowish pubescent, horizontally spreading, 2-3 cm. long. May.
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. distr. and northw.); rare