Trees to 35m; trunk to 1.8m diam. Bark red-brown, winter bud red-brown. Leaves 2 per fascicle, 8-9(14)cm × 1.5mm, vascular bundles 2, resin canals 3-9, marginal. Needles shwathed at base and psesisting. Seed cones shprtly pedunculate, 6 mm long, umbo slightly protruding into a minute spine. Cones oval, 45mm × 30mm, brownish yellow, seed scales 70-100, seeds ellipsoid 5-6mm × 3mm,, brown with wing
2n=24. Pollination May Seed maturity Sept Distribution Japan; all provinces in the Korean peninsula except the far North
<Japan Flora>
Japanese name: Aka-matsu, Me-matsu.
Tree with reddish brown variously scaly bark; branchlets glabrous; leaves 2 in a fascicle, 8-12 cm. long, 0.7-1.2 mm. wide, acute, deep green, semiterete, scabrous with minute marginal teeth; staminate aments ellipsoidal, pale yellow; cones very short-pedunculate, conic-ovoid, 3-5 cm. long, the scales numerous, cuneate, the exposed part flattened and transversely rhomboidal, the umbo short-mucronate. - Hills and low mountains; Hokkaido (s. distr.), Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; very common, variable. Korea
<China Flora>
Coastal regions to mountains; near sea level to 900 m. E Heilongjiang, NE Jiangsu, SE Jilin, C and S Liaoning, E and N Shandong [Japan, Korea, E Russia]