Japan Flora: Rather slender, thinly puberulent perennial; stems 30-100 cm. long, usually becoming somewhat scandent; largest leaves thinly membranous, of few pairs close together below the middle of the stem, narrowly elliptic or oblong, 7-15 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, acuminate, acute to acuminate at base, the petioles 7-12 mm. long, the upper smaller leaves of few pairs; inflorescence loosely radier many-flowcred, rather large, branched, glabrous or nearly so, the pedicels 5-18 mm. long, filiform; calyx-segments lanceolate; corolla purplish, 7-9 mm. across, the lobes oblong, glabrous on both sides; corona-lobes ovate-deltoid, obtuse, small; follicles lanceolate, 4-5 cm. long, 7—8 mm. wide; seeds oblong, 6-7 mm. long, obsoletcly dark-spotted. June.
Honshu (Tokaido and e. Kinki Distr.); rather rare.