Japan Flora: White-pubescent, especially on the inflorescence, upper part of stems, and lower side of leaves; Stems erect, about 30 cm-80cm long, short-pubescent; leaves lanceolate or ellptic, 6-10(-15) cm. long, 3-7(-10) cm. wide, acuminate, obtuse at base, short-pilose on both surfaces especially on nerves beneath, with 8-15 pairs of lateral nerves, the petioles 4-7 mm. long; cymes short-pcdunculatc, few-flowered, short-pubescent; flowers about 1.5 cm. across; calyx-segments lanceolate, slightly shorter than the corolla-tube; corolla 5- lobed, thinly puberulent outside, dark purple and glabrous inside, the lobes ovate-oblong, 6-8 mm. long, obtuse; coronalobes elliptic, rounded, nearly as long as the gynostegium; follicles broadly lanceolate, densely puberulent, 7-8 cm. long, about 1.5 cm. wide. May-June. Mountains;
Hokkaido,Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.------ Korea, Manchuria, and China.