Russia Flora: Plant up to 1.5(1.8) m tall. Root stock often multi-headed, with a bundle of adventitious roots. Stem furrowed, branching; lateral branches slightly divergent. Basal leaves 2-3, with petioles up to 60 cm long; blade up to 15(20) cm in diameter, broadly reniform or more or less rounded, 3-7-dissected into rhombic segments, incised almost to the middle, with serrate-dentate margins. Stem leaves 3-7, on short petioles or sessile, gradually decreasing in size upward. Flower stalks 5-10 cm long, elongating to 15 cm in fruit. Flowers 2-7, rarely 1, up to 4-5 cm in diameter. Sepals 5-12, broadly elliptical, up to 2 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, yellow-orange. Nectariferous petals linear, acute, up to 35 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, orange; nectary pit 2-4 mm from base. Anthers linear, about 3 mm long. Carpels 8-17, up to 15 mm long. Style up to 5 mm long, arcuately curved. 2n = 16 (Sokolovskaya, 1966).
Distribution: Ussuri (central, south), South Sakhalin (southwest). (Figure 3). - In forest edges, glades of broad-leaved and mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests, on moist meadows along hills and river floodplains. Flowering period: May-July. - General distribution: Japan-China (PRC, Korean Peninsula). - Described from China.
Note: The typical subspecies subsp. chinensis occurs mostly in southwestern Manchuria and Northern China, with 8-12 sepals and acute, more or less narrowed at apex petals up to 25 mm long. In the eastern part of the species range (Russian Far East, DPRK, eastern Manchuria), subsp. macropetalus (Regel) A. Luferov predominates, distinguished by 5-7 sepals and petals up to 35 mm long, gradually tapering at apex.