Japan Flora: Small tree with horizontally spreading stellate-pubescent branches while young, becoming dark brown and the outer layer exfoliating; leaves membranous, ovate to obovatc-orbicular, I0-20 cm. long, 8-20 cm. wide, abruptly acute, usually rounded at base, mucronate-toothed, vivid green and usually glabrous above, densely white stellate-hairy beneath, lateral nerves of 7-8 pairs, the petioles 5-25(-30) mm. long; racemes 10-20 cm. long, rather many-flowered, the flowers stellate-pubescent; calyx-limb mucronate; corolla about 2 cm. long, deeply 5-cleft; fruit white, stellate-pubescent, ovoid, mucronate. May-June.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common.Korea, Manchuria, and China.
Korea Flora: Deciduous small tree. Height 10m. Winter buds enclosed within petiole bases. Terminal buds naked, elongated ovoid or ovoid with slightly pointed tips, 5-8mm long, mesotonic accessory buds. Pseudo-terminal buds similar to lateral buds. Branches initially hairy, becoming glabrous, glossy dark brown. Leaf scars small and semicircular. Leaves alternate, elliptical or ovate-circular, abruptly acuminate apex, rounded base, size 7-20cm × 8-2cm. Upper half with fine serrations, often appearing trilobed at tip. Upper surface green with hairs on veins, lower surface whitish with stellate hairs. Margins with or without sharp serrations. Petiole 5-20(30)mm long. Flowers in pendulous racemes 10-22cm long, with up to 30 flowers. Pedicels 8-10mm long, hairy. Flowers white. Calyx with 5-9 hairy sepals. Corolla 20mm in diameter, deeply divided into 5 parts, with stellate hairs on the outside. Filaments and style glabrous. 10 stamens. Style slightly longer than stamens (2-2.5cm).
Fruit and seed ovoid-globose or ellipsoid, 2cm long, with irregularly splitting pericarp.
Flowering: Mid-May to June
Fruiting: September
Distribution: Northern and central China, Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu; throughout Korea except Hamgyongnamdo, Jeollanamdo , Jeoolabukdo
Ecological characteristics: Shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, slightly weak to drought. Primarily grows in moist, well-lit areas.