Japan Flora: Plants scandent; branches striate, sometimes loosely prickly; leaves coriaceous, rather lustrous, 3- to 7-nerved, oblong, ovate to orbicular, 5-8 cm. long, 3-7 cm. wide, acute to abruptly cuspidate, cuneate to rounded at base, the margin slightly thickened and firm,the petioles 8-12 mm. long, with tendrils near the middle; inflorescence corymbose, often branched, many-flowered, short-pedunculate; staminate tepals much-recurved, about 5 mm. long, the outer ones linear- oblong, the inner ones linear-lanceolate; stamens nearly as long as the tepals, the anthers broadly linear, 1.2니.5 mm. long, coiled. Dec.-Feb. Kyushu (s. distr.〉.