Japan Flora: Stems creeping, much branched, forming small dense mats, the branchlets short, ascending, dark gray-green; leaves persistent, all alike, multifarious, subulate-linear, 1-1.3 mm. long, about 0.3 mm. wide, acute, ciliate, appressed or ascending, incurved and white- filiform at tip, narrowly and deeply grooved on back, slightly concave on inner side; spikes as thick as the sterile ones, 4- angled, the bracts narrowly deltoid-ovate, about 1.5 mm. long, ciliate, short awn-tipped; megaspores with prominent primary and secondary reticulations. Rocks in mountains;
Hokkaido, Honshu (Tango, Yamato and Iwashiro Prov. northeastw.); rare. Sakhalin and s. Kuriles.