Japan Flora: Perennial herb, densely pilose on leaves beneath and with whitish hairlike papillae; rhizomes stout; stems 50-100 cm. long, fewleaved; radical leaves deltoid-cordate, 10-20 cm. long and as wide, very obtuse, long-petioled and deeply cordate, the cauline smaller, the upper short-petioled, narrowly deltoid-ovate, more or less cordate; inflorescence usually not leafy, rather large, erect, the outer sepals ascending, the lobes lanceolate, 1.5- 1.8 mm. long, boat-shaped, the lobes of the inner whorl broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, membranous, obtuse, rounded at base, 4-45 mm. long, weakly net-veined, nearly entire; achenes ovate,acutely 3-angled, dark brown, lustrous, about 3 mm. long;July-Sept Wet places in high mountains;
Hokkaido; rare. n. Korea,s. Kuriles, Sakhalin, Manchuria, and the Ochotsk Sea area.