Japan Flora: Scandent, woody evergreen, the inflorescence, young branches, and underside of leaves pubescent; leaves elliptic to narrowly so, 4-8 cm. long, 2-4.5 cm. wide, obtuse or acute, short-petiolate; flowers white, changing to yellow, 2-25 cm. across; calyx thin, loosely pilose, 5-6 mm. long, the lobes obtuse and spreading; corolla-tube 7-8 mm. long, the narrow part as long as the broadened upper portion or somewhat shorter, the lobes obliquely obtriangular; anthers included within the tube; style short, not exceeding the calyx; follicles 10-15 cm. long. May.
Honshu (centr. and w. distr.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea, and China.