Japan Flora: Branches yellowish gray, lenticellate, the branchlets puberulous while young, slightly flattened and with raised striations; leaves alternate, in one plane, coriaceous, oblong or ovate, 5-10 cm. long, 2.5-4 cm. wide, short-caudate, obtusely tipped, oblique at base, obtusely and obscurely toothed, soon becoming glabrous, the veinlets reticulate, flowers numerous, in racemes or spikes about 1 cm. long, the stamens 3; pistillate flowers 1 to few, on pedicels 6-12 mm. long; sepals 3 or 4, oblong to elliptic, obtuse, about 1.5 mm. long; drupes narrowly ovoid-oblong, about 2 cm. long, 1 cm. across, rather densely puberulous, the persistent styles 3 or 4, entire, grooved above.
Reported to occur in Kyushu (Osumi Prov.). Ryukyus.