Russia Flora: Plant 30-60 cm tall. Stem erect, branched, glabrous, furrowed, green, rarely pale violet. Leaves bi- or tripinnately dissected into linear-filiform segments with downward-rolled margins. Upper leaves clustered below flower and extending above it. Sepals 5, 2-3 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, ovate-oblong, acuminate, narrowed toward base, bluish-blue. Nectariferous petals 3-5, 4-8 times shorter than sepals, bilabiate. Lower lip divided almost to middle into two lanceolate lobes, with tuberculate center, pubescent with long simple hairs. Upper lip ovate, 2 times shorter than lower lip. Carpels 5, inflated, 1-2.5 cm long, fused almost to base of style, glabrous. Seeds 2-3 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, ovate, with hoop-like rim, transversely wrinkled, black.
Distribution: Kamchatka (south), Ussuri (south). (Figure 4). - Introduced. On lawns, along roads. Flowering period: May-July. - General distribution: European part, Caucasus, Central Asia (introduced); Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Iran, Africa (north); cultivated in many countries worldwide as an ornamental. - Described from Europe (France).