Korea Flora: Evergreen shrub. Height 3m, with dense branches and foliage. Stems: Young branches with fine pubescence. Leaves: Alternate, elliptic, oblong, or narrowly spathulate, apex acute or obtuse, base cuneate, 12-30 × 5-12mm. Upper surface dark green and glossy; lower surface light green with small glands. Margins finely serrate; petiole 1-2mm long. Flowers: Dioecious; staminate flowers in short racemes or compound racemes, 3-7 flowers per inflorescence, with rudimentary pistils, yellowish-white. Pistillate flowers solitary in leaf axils, shortly pedunculate, with 4 staminodes and 1 four-locular ovary. Fruit and Seeds: Drupes black, 6-7mm in diameter, on 4-6mm long peduncles.
Flowering Period: Early July Fruiting Period: Late September to mid-November Distribution: Central (extending to Shandong region) and Southern China, Taiwan, Pacific side of Honshu (from central region southward), Shikoku, Kyushu (Japan); Jeju Island, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do (Korea) Ecological Characteristics: Strongly shade-tolerant when young, but grows well in full sunlight when mature.