Japan Flora: Glabrous deciduous shrub with terete branches; leaves oblong, sometimes elliptic or ovate-oblong, 5-12 cm. long, 2-6 cm. wide, acuminate to abruptly acute, rounded to abruptly acute at base, minutely serrulate, green and scarcely lustrous on upper side, the lateral nerves slightly evident beneath, the petioles 8-20 mm. long; inflorescence 3-6 cm. long, loosely several-flowered with spreading pedicels 2-4 cm. long; flowers pale green, about 8 mm. across; calyx-lobes rounded, entire; petals oblong, about 4 mm. long, densely and minutely papillose inside; filaments 3 or 4 times as long as the dark purple anthers; fruit obtriangu- lar-cordate, with 4-ridges, cuneately narrowed toward the base, 8-10 mm. long and as wide at apex. May-June. Mountains and hills; Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikokn, Kyushu; common and very variable. Korea, Manchuria, China, Sakhalin, and s. Kuriles.
var. nikoensis (Nakai) Ohwi. Leaves puberulous with papillose hairs especially on the nerves beneath, the fruit, and on the petioles.