Japan Flora: Stems slender, creeping, rather firm, sparingly branched; leaves few, approximate near the top of the stems and branches, long-petiolate, firm, slightly lustrous, depressed-orbicular to cordate-orbicular, 2.5-7 cm. long and as wide, rounded to retuse, cordate to rounded at the base, undulately toothed, with slightly raised nerves; scapes erect, to 15 cm. long, with few bud-scales at base, the bracts about 3, acute or subacute, broadly lanceolate,usually closely condguous or the lowest widely separated from the calyx, slightly shorter than the calyx-segments; calyx segments green, oblong, glabrous, slenderly many-nerved, 8-12 mm. long, thick-papery; corolla pale rose-colored, 2.5-3 cm. across, glabrous, the lobes deeply and obtusely toothed; capsules ovoid- globose, 4-5 nun. across, mucronate, the valves somewhat coriaceous; seeds dark brown, oblong, about 0.7 mm. long, finely veined. Apr.-May. Woods in mountains.