Japan Flora: Thinly pilosulous annual; stems ascend* ing, branched, 10-20 cm. long, glabrous or thinly coarse-hairy on upper portion; leaves broadly ovate, 1-1.5 cm. long, 8-12 mm. wide, obtuse, rounded and short-petiolate at base, obtusely toothed, thinly pilosulous especially on upperside; pedicels 1- 1.5 cm. long, longer than the leaves; calyx 5-7 mm. long, the segments linear, cleft nearly to the base, incurved and ap- pressed to the fruit, sparsely coarse-pilosulous; corolla white, 7-8 mm. long; capsules narrowly fusiform-ovoid, acute, 4-5 mm. in diameter; seeds minute, slightly angled. Aug.-Oct.
Honshu (Kii and Ise Prov.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus(Shichito).