Japan Flora: Erect deciduous shrub; leaves thinly chartaceous, narrowly oblong to ovate-oblong, 5-9 cm. long, 1.5-3.5 cm. wide, whitish hairy beneath, glabrescent, the lateral nerves 4 to 6 pairs, the veinlets weak and not raised beneath, the petioles slender, 10-15 mm. long; inflorescence pubescent, the peduncles 4-8 mm. long, the pedicels 15-22 mm. long; perianth-segments elliptic, 3-4 mm. long; fruit about 6 mm. across, black. Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common. China.
var. membranacea (Maxim.) Momiyama. Plant larger than in the typical phase, the leaves narrowly oblong to obovate, 6-12 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, the lateral nerves 5 to 8 pairs. Hokkaido, Honshu (n. distr.).
var. lancea Momiyama. Hime-kuro-moji. Leaves lanceolate-oblong to oblanceolate, acuminate, the silky hairs beneath persistent, the petioles shorter, pubescent, the peduncles shorter, with yellowish velvety persistent hairs. Honshu (Suruga Prov. to Kii and Kawachi Prov.) , Shikoku, Kyushu.