Japan Flora: Glabrous biennial; leaves radical, rather thick and firm, rosulate, oblong- spathulate, 8-15 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, obtuse, mucronate, entire, 3-nerved with very weak veinlets; scapes few, erect, 20-50 cm. long, much branched from the base, the bracts narrowly deltoid, acute, 2-3 mm. long; inflorescence spicate, 2-4 cm. long, the bracts scarious-margined, rounded, cuspidate, about 4 mm. long; flowers few, axillary, the bracteoles 2, small, scarious; calyx 5-6 mm. long, pink in upper part, with short appressed white hairs on back, 5-ribbed, the ribs cuspidate; corolla yellow, slightly longer than the calyx; fruit fusiform, 2.5 mm. long. Sept-Nov. Sandy places near the sea.
Honshu (Rikuchu Prov. and southw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea and Manchuria.