Russia Flora: Plant up to 30 cm tall. Shoots erect, branched at base, rarely simple, glaucous-green, glabrous. Basal leaves with petioles up to 5 cm long, arranged in rosette; blade up to 4 cm long and wide, bi- or triternately dissected, bi- or tripinnately dissected into linear or elliptical, often 2-3-incised segments. Stem leaves alternate, clustered, with short petioles. Flower stalks 0.5-4 cm long, thin, straight or curved, mostly arranged in groups of 2-4. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter. Sepals 5, 4-5 mm long, ovate, acute, yellowish-white. Nectariferous petals 3-4 times shorter than sepals, funnel-shaped, bilabiate: lower lip short, emarginate, upper - entire. Gynoecium of 5-20 carpels 6-9 mm long, straight, linear-lanceolate, with straight style. Seeds 1-1.5 mm long, 0.7-1.2 mm wide, ovate, densely tuberculate, olive-brown.
Distribution: Kolyma, Okhotsk (south), Aldan, Dauria, Upper Zeya, Lower Zeya, Bureya (Figure 4). - Introduced. - In vegetable gardens, waste places, along roads. Flowering period: May-August. - General distribution: Western and Eastern Siberia; Atlantic and Central Europe (introduced), Dzungaria-Kashgaria (north), Mongolia, Tibet, Japan-China (PRC, Korean Peninsula). - Described from Siberia.