Japan Flora: Dioecious woody climber with grayish brown, loosely lenticellate, elongate branches, yellowish re- trorse-pubescent; leaves thin, ovate-cordate, 8-18 cm. long, 5-12 cm. wide, acuminate with a mucro or short awn at apex, cordate to nearly truncate at base, irregularly and coarsely dentate with short-aristate teeth, pale yellow appressed-pubes- cent, the lateral nerves and chief veinlets ending in the teeth, the petioles 4-8 cm. long; flowers in axillary cymes, on slender pedicels 1-2.5 cm. long, about 8 mm. across, pendulous, pale yellow; calyx-lobes ovate, about 1 mm. long; corolla with a short tube at base, the lobes broadly lanceolate, recurved from the middle, caudate, papillose inside; filaments erect, about 3 mm. long, slightly longer than the corolla-tubc; fruit rather flat, pendulous, about 1.5 cm. long, elliptic, red, the stone solitary, with raised reticulations on both sides. May-June. Woods in mountains;