Shrub with gray-brown branches often pilose while young; leaves oblong, ovate-oblong, or elliptic, 3-5 cm. wide, 6-10 cm. long, acuminate, minutely toothed, loosely pubescent above while young, rather prominently ascending-pubescent beneath especially on nerves, the petioles 5-8 mm. long; flowers 1 or 2 in upper leaf-axils, sometimes short-pedunculate; ovary ascending-pilose; calyx-segments broadly linear, 7-10 mm. long, pilose; corolla 3-3.5 cm. long, white, becoming reddish with age, short crisped pilose externally, the tube rather prominently ampliate; style exserted. May. Honshu (Chiigoku Distr.), Shikoku, Kyushu.