Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender, long-creeping; stems 10-40 cm. long, 4-angled, pubescent; leaves elliptic to oblong, 15-3.5 cm. long, 1-3.5 cm. wide, truncate to rounded at base, more or less pubescent on both sides, sometimes densely so, the petioles 1-4 mm. long, with few minute teeth on both sides; flowers solitary in axils of upper cauline leaves; calyx about 3 mm. long in anthesis, about 5 mm. long in fruit; corolla 2-2.2 cm. long, erect from the arcuate base, blue-purple; nutlets about 1.8 mm. long, semirounded, densely mammillate. July-Aug. Sandy places along seashores.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Tsushima); very variable. Sakhalin, Kuriles, Korea, and Northeastern China.
var. yezoensis (Kudo) Kitam. Stems softer, glabrescent, upwardly puberulent only on the angles; leaves ovate or narrowly ovate, obtuse to subacute at apex. Wet places; Hokkaido, Honshu (n. distr.). Kuriles, Sakhalin, and Korea.