Japan Flora: Scattered coarse-pilose; rhizomes short; stems usually tnfted, erect, 25-50 cm. long, with 5-10 pairs of leaves; leaves narrowly to broadly ovate, 3-8 cm. long, 1.5-4 cm. wide, subacute to obtuse, rounded or sometimes broadly cuneate at base, sessile or short- pctiolate; spikes 1-5 cm. long, about 2.5 cm. across, densely many-flowered, the bracts depressed deltoid-ovate, long-ciliate; calyx 1-1.5 cm. long, glabrous inside, the teeth spine-tipped; corolla rose-purple, about 3 cm. long, glabrous to scattered long-pubescent outside, papillose on lower half of the tube inside, with a ring of hairs about 1.5 mm. above the base, midlobe of lower lip prominendy toothed on margin; anther- locules pubescent on margin; nutlets lenticular, about 2 mm. long, rounded at apex, yellow-brown, rather lustrous, with few longitudinal striations on both faces and on margin, the areole slightly convex. Aug. Alpine slopes;