Japan Flora: Erect branched annual; stems 20-70 cm. long, long-pubescent; leaves green, broadly ovate, 7-12 cm. long, 5-8 cm. wide, abruptly acute or acuminate, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, toothed, long-pubcscent especially on nerves, long-petiolate; spikes 4-8 cm. long, rather one-sided, densely many-flowered, the axis prominently pubescent, the bracts deltoid-ovate, longer than the pedicels; calyx 3-4 mm. long in anthesis, 8-12 mm. long in fruit, long-pubescent; corolla whitish, 4-5 mm. long; nutlets globose, slightly compressed, about 2 mm. across, reticulate. Aug.-Oct.
Widely cultivated for oil-yielding seeds; naturalized in our area. se. Asia.
var. citriodora (Makino) Ohwi. Stems rather densely short soft-pubescent; leaves loosely pubescent beneath; spikes elongate after anthesis, to 10-18 cm. long, rather loosely flowered and the hairs shorter; calyx 6-8 mm. long in fruit; nutlets 1.2-15 nim. across. Hills and mountains; Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.
Japan Flora: Perennial herb without stolons; stems 20-25 cm. long, slender, minutely puberulent, erect or ascending, loosely few-leaved; leaves thinly membranous, deltoid-cordate, 2-4 cm. long and as wide, obtuse, sparingly pilose, undulate-toothed, the petioles spreading, 1.5-3 times as long as tlie blades; flowers few, solitary in axils, short-pedicelled; calyx tubular-campanulate, about 1 cm. long, glandular-puberulent; corolla about 4 cm. long, sparingly pubescent externally, the tube gradually broadened in upper part, the limb bilabiate, the upper lip bifid, the lower lip 3-fid, the median lobe larger. May. Woods in mountains.
Honshu (Kii Prov. and Chugoku Distr.); rare.
Japan Flora: More or less long-pubescent stoloniferous green herb; flowering stems erect, 15-30 cm. long, with few pairs of leaves; cauline leaves thinly membranous, deltoid-cordate to ovate- cordate, 2-5 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, acute, coarsely obtusetoothed, the petioles 2-5 cm. long; leaves of the stolons to 10 cm. long; flowers 3-12, in loose terminal one-sided spikes, the bracts broadly ovate, 7-15 mm. long, the pedicels and sometimes also the floral axis minutely puberulent; calyx about 1 cm. long; corolla purple-blue, 4-5 cm. long, the upper lip suberect, 8-30 mm. long, the lower lip with a larger, obcordate, retuse median lobe and with spreading, dark-spotted lateral lobes; nutlets narrowly obovate, about 3 mm. long, loosely puberulent. Apr.-May. Damp woods in mountains.