Japan Flora: Glabrescent perennial herb; stems erect, 30-70 cm. long, branched, rather stout, 4- anglcd, often loosely recurved-puberulcnt; leaves narrowly ovate-oblong or broadly lanceolate, 5-10 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, very acute, rounded to subtruncate at base, irregularly toothed, usually loosely short-pilose on die nerves beneath; spikes 3-10 cm. long, sometimes branched at base, rather densely flowered; bracts broadly linear; calyx in fruit 4-5 mm. long, nearly glabrous or loosely puberulent on upper part, usually not glandular-pilose, the teeth narrowly deltoid, or the 2 anterior ones lanceolate, acuminate to acute; nutlets about 15 mm. long. July.