Japan Flora: Perennial; stems erect, 10-60 cm. long, densely long spreading- hirsute or sometimē nearly glabrate; leaves approximate toward die base, long-petiolate, pinnate, the leaflets rhombic- ovate to oblong, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, obtuse, cuneate to subcordate at base, crenate-toothed, the lateral leaflets of 2 pairs; spikes elongate, the verticils loosely 2- to 8-flowered, the bracts ovate- lanceolate; flowers purplish, 6-8 mm. long; calyx about 6 mm. long; corolla-tube nearly as long as the calyx, with a ring of hairs slightly below the middle inside; stamens long-exserted, the connectives 3-5 mm. long; nutlets elliptic, about 2 mm. long. July-Nov.