Japan Flora: Sterile stems 30-70 cm. long, erect, 2-A mm. across, green, rather soft, 10- to 18-grooved, the ridges with 2 rows of minute spinules, the central cavity about half the diameter of the stem; sheaths green at base, the teeth irregularly connate into 3-6 subacute lobes, rufous-brown; branches slender, verticillate, drooping above, loosely spinulose on the angles, ramulose, 3- or 4- grooved, the sheaths with 3 or 4 long, spreading, subulate- linear teeth; fertile stems with short branches; spikes 1-2 cm. long, pedunculate;
Reported to occur in Hokkaido (Shiribeshi Prov.). Sakhalin, n. Kuriles, n. Korea, Siberia to Europe, and N. America.