Korea Flora: Habit: Perennial herb; rhizome short; leaves fasciculate. Stipe: 20-40 cm long, densely scaly. Scales: Ovate to broadly lanceolate, up to 15 mm long; brown to dark brown; dimorphic - some rigid, others with membranous, lighter-colored margins. Blade: Pentagonal-ovate to oblong-ovate, 25-50 cm × 20-30 cm; tripinnate, deeply or completely divided. Pinnae: Oblong-lanceolate; apex acute; sessile or shortly stalked; basal pinnae obliquely triangular-ovate. Pinnules: Oblong-lanceolate; apex acute; subsessile; deeply pinnatifid to divided to base; abaxial costa sparsely scaly. Ultimate Segments: 2-4 mm wide; margins with aristate teeth. Sori: Medial between midvein and margin of segments; indusium round-reniform with entire margins. Habitat: Growing in coniferous forests at high elevations of Mt. Jiri, Mt. Odae, and northern mountainous regions.