Japan Flora: Stems slender, 10-30 cm. long, tufted, decumbent at base, puberulent; leaves ovate to broadly so, 1-3 cm. long, 0.&-2 cm. wide, sub- obtuse, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, toothed, nearly glabrous on both sides or loosely pilose above and on nerves beneath, the petioles 5—15 mm. long; verticils prominently puberulent, the upper ones forming a loose terminal spike 1-4 cm. long; calyx 3.5-4 mm. long, puberulent on nerves; corolla pale rose, 5-6 mm. long; nutlets obovate-orbicular, less than 1 mm. long. Apr.-Aug. Woods in lowlands and low mountains;
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common and very variable. Ryukyus, Formosa, China, s. Korea, Malaysia, and India.
var. multicaule (Maxim.) Ohwi. Somewhat taller, usually green, with rather longer hairs on stems and petioles; leaves ovate or broadly so, rather acutely toothed, the petioles 5-10 mm. long; verticils looser, forming a short spike 1-2 cm. long; calyx green, 5-6(-7) mm. long; corolla white, 7-9 mm. long. June-Oct. Woods in mountains; Honshu (centr. and w. distr.), Shikoku, Kyushu; common. Korea.
var. minimum (Hara) Ohwi. Small plant; leaves 4-7 mm. long; calyx 3-4 mm. long; corolla 5-7 mm. long. Kyushu (Yakushima).
var. latifolium (Hara) Ohwi. Stms to 40 cm. long; leaves larger; calyx with longer hairs. Honshu (Iwashiro Prov., Kanto and centr. distr.).
var. sachalinense (F. Schmidt) Ohwi. Stems taller, less densely pilose; leaves larger, to 6 cm. long; spikes 2-7 cm. long; calyx 3.5-4 mm. long, puberulent on lower half; corolla 5-6 mm. long. Hokkaido, Honshu (n. distr.). s. Kuriles and Sakhalin.