Japan Flora: Frond flat, fixed by means of rootlets on rocks in running water, irregularly orbicular and shallowly lobulate, green, rarely to 30 cm. across; fascicles of leaves scattered on the upper surface of the frond, the subulate leaves 5-8 mm. long, in groups of 3-6 together, deciduous from the frond before anthesis (in autumn), their minute bases becoming accrescent, the scapes clothed with elliptic navicular bracts; flowers solitary, erect, on a very short scapeļ¼ completely covered with a narrowly ovate spathe when young, soon splitting down one side; stamens 2, the filaments connate below, often to above the middle, the staminodes or perianth segments 2, subulate, as long as the ovary; stigmas 2, broadly subulate; capsules oblong-ellipsoidal, longitudinally 11- to 19- ribbed. Nov.-Dec.