Japan Flora: Glabrous shrubby perennial 5-10 cm. high, much branched; leaves fascicled and terminal on the branches, thick-coriaceous, oblanceolate, 2-4 cm. long, 4-7 mm. wide, rounded at apex, clasping at the base, entire, the nerves and midrib obscure; scapes terminal on the branches, 7-15 cm. long; inflorescence spicate, 1-2 cm. long, one-sided, the bracts scarious-margined, rounded at apex, about 5 mm. long; corolla pinkish; calyx about 5 mm. long, with 5 appressed-pilose ribs. Aug.-Oct. Rocks along the sea.
Honshu (Izu Isis.), Kyushu (Yakushima).
var. luteum (Hara) Hara. A yellow-flowered variety,