Japan Flora: Glabrous, sometimes slightly reddish perennial herb from stout rhizomes; scapes 10-30 cm. long, naked or with a small subtending leaf below the inflorescence; leaves succulent, somewhat tufted, long-petioled, reniform-orbicular, rounded to sub- retuse, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide; inflorescence 4-10 cm long, the branches erect; inner sepal-lobes spathulate-obovatc, about 2 mm. long, rounded at apex, membranous; achenes ovate, flat, about 2 mm. long, with a membranous wing on margin, orbicular-cordate, retuse. July-Aug. Wet barren alpine slopes.
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. distr.); rare. Arctic and alpine regions of the N. Hemisphere.