Japan Flora: Fronds evergreen, loosely pinnati- parted, the segments about 0.5 mm. thick, 1-2 mm. broad; summer leaves densely fascicled on upper surface near the base of the leaf sinus, 3-7 mm. long, about 0.3 mm. wide, subulate, acute to obtuse, sessile; autumnal leaves rhombic-orbicular or obovate-orbicular, sessile, bifid, 4- to 8-lobulate, larger than the foregoing species, the scape longer, to 10 mm. long; flowers solitary, subtended by an ovoid-elliptic, often reddish spathe, longitudinally split, the pedicel erect; stamen 1,often bifid, the filament with a minute subulate segment (staminode or perianth-segment) on each side at base; capsules globose to ellipsoidal, about 1.5 mm. long, unequally 2-valved, the smaller valve deciduous, the stipe about 3 mm. long.