Korea Flora: Evergreen shrub. Height 2-3m. Branchlets without hair, roots have a scent from the bark. Leaves alternate, clustered at branch tips, thick. Long spoon-shaped, leaf tips blunt, leaf bases pointed. Size 4-7(10)cm × 2-3cm, margins without teeth and rolled backwards. Surface dark green and glossy. Petiole 0.8-1cm long. Flowers monoecious, in cymes at branch tips. Sepals ovate, 5 numbers. Petals white to yellow, 5 in number, spatulate, fragrant. Fruit and seed: capsule round or broadly elliptical, 12mm long, densely covered with short hairs, light green, splitting into 3 parts, seeds red.
Sporophyte chromosome number 24.
Flowering mid-May to June.
Fruiting late October.
Distribution: Central and Southern China, Taiwan, Japan from Honshu southward to Okinawa; Jeollanamdo, Gyeongsangnamdo island areas, Jeju, Ulleungdo in Korea.
Ecological characteristics: Forms communities along the coast, salt-tolerant and resistant to urban pollution, has sprouting ability allowing propagation by branch cuttings.