Russia Flora: Plant up to 70 cm tall, more or less branched, glabrous or glandular-pubescent in upper part. Basal leaves biternate; leaflets 2-5 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, obovate or rounded-rhombic, three-lobed, crenate-dentate, green and glabrous above, pale green beneath and weakly pubescent with more or less appressed hairs. Stem leaves ternate or simple, tripartite. Flower stalks pubescent with appressed or spreading glandular hairs. Flowers 2-7, blue-violet, rarely pink. Sepals 1.5-2.5 cm long, 0.7-1.4 cm wide, oblong-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, acute, shortly appressed-hairy or glabrous, with long simple hairs along margin. Petals about 3 cm long; their limb obtuse, slightly emarginate, about 1 cm wide in upper part, equal to stamens or slightly shorter. Spur mostly hook-shaped, twice as long as limb. Carpels more or less curved at apex, 2-4 cm long, shortly appressed-pubescent with glandular hairs, sometimes glabrous. Styles straight or sinuous.
Distribution: Okhotsk (north), Kamchatka (central, south). (Figure 6). - Near dwellings, in vegetable gardens, flower beds. Introduced. Flowering period: June-August. - General distribution: European part; Scandinavia, Atlantic and Central Europe, Mediterranean (introduced), North America (introduced). - Described from Europe.