Russia Flora: Plant, up to 40 (45) cm tall. Stems and petioles of cauline leaves densely stiffly pubescent with spreading hairs along entire length during flowering, and predominantly in lower third during fruiting. Basal leaf blades (5)6-7(8) cm long and wide, almost circular, twice ternately dissected into more or less equal, fan-shaped primary segments and similar secondary segments, which are incised-dentate and almost ciliately pubescent along upper margin; all segments with converging lateral sides, usually deeply overlapping each other. Inflorescence umbel-like, very rarely reduced to a single flower. Peduncles during flowering almost equal to or notably shorter than cauline leaves (making flowers appear almost sessile), becoming 1.5-2 times longer than cauline leaves in fruit. Flowers 3-3.5(4) cm in diameter. Perianth segments 5-6, up to 1.5 cm wide, usually broadly obovate, white. Nutlets about 7 mm long, brown.
Distribution: Kamchatka (southern), Commander Islands, Northern Kuriles, Southern Kuriles (Fig. 19). - On coastal meadows of high coastal terraces and slopes, as well as on mountain meadow tundras in subalpine and alpine belts. VI-VII. - General distribution: North America (Aleutian Islands, Alaska (?)). - Described from North America (Unalaska Island).