Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub. Branchlets brown, with oblong lenticels, hairless. Young branches initially have short hairs. Leaves broadly ovate, apex acuminate, often with a long tail-like tip, base truncate or subcordate, sometimes lobed. Size (5)7-10cm × 4-5(7)cm, margins with very sharp teeth, both surfaces almost hairless. Upper surface rough near margins, lower surface with scattered hairs on midrib. Petiole 2-3cm long, hairless. Flowers dioecious. Style long (2-3cm), bifurcated from the base. Fruit and seed: Fruit cluster 15mm long, dark purple.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 28.
Flowering March-April.
Fruiting April-May.
Distribution: Northern and central China; Hwanghae-do, Pyongannamdo, Pyonganbukdo, Uljin in Gyeongsangbukdo, Korea.