Japan Flora: Woody scan dent shrub, the branches attached to rocks or tree-trunks by means of aerial roots, the young branches puberulous; leaves evergreen, pale green when dried, narrowly ovate-oblong, narrowly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 5-12 cm. long, 2.5-4 cm. wide, long-acuminate, rounded at base, glabrous, whitish with finely elevated prominently reticulate veinlets beneath, the lateral nerves 5- to 6-paired, prominently arcuate short of the margin, the petioles 1-2 cm. long, puberulent while young, the stipules linear-lanceolate, about 10 mm. long; receptacles axillary, sessile, globose, glabrous, 7-10 mm. across, the basal bracts ovate-orbicular, obtuse, persistent, membranous, ap- pressed-puberulent.
Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus, Formosa, China, and s. Korea.
Korea Flora: Evergreen vine attached to rocks or tree trunks using roots that emerge from the stem. Young branches horizontally or hang down with fine hairs. Leaves thick, alternate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, tapering to a pointed tip, with a rounded or slightly heart-shaped base. Leaf size 8-12 cm × 1.3-4 cm. The edges smooth, and the surface hairless and glossy. underside leaves whitish, with reticulated 5-6 pairs. petiole 0.7-2 cm long with fine hairs. 1-2 inflorescences from leaf axils. Inlorescences sessile and round, 10-12 mm in diameter, and green to dark black, containing many small flowers. Female flowers 3-4 petals and ovary with a single style. Ahenes elongated-ovoid, 10 mm long, with a short fruit stalk of 5 mm.
Flowering May to July.
Fruiting August to September.
Distribution: Southern and central China, Taiwan, western Honshu to Okinawa in Japan; coastal areas and islands in the southern regions, and Ulleungdo in Korea.