Japan Flora: Rhizomes short-creeping; radical leaves few, narrowly oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong, abruptly cuspidate to acute, soft and relatively thick, narrowed toward the base, the margin pubescent when young; scapes naked, erect, 20-70 cm. long, rarely short-branched above, soft-pubesccnt; flowers several, racemose, loose, erect, the bracts caducous, broadly linear, 6-8 mm. long, the pedicels pubescent, 1-4 cm. long, elongating slightly after anthesis, ascending to obliquely spreading, the tepals white, somewhat spreading, 12-15 mtn. long, narrowly oblong; anthers oblong, the style deeply 3-fid; berry globose, deep blue to nearly black, about 1 cm. in diameter, the seeds ovoid, about 3 mm. long, shining brown. May-July. Damp coniferous woods in high mountains;
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. and n. di str. and Monnt Omine in Yamato);Kuriles, Sakhalin, Manchuria, China, and e. Siberia.