Japan Flora: Rhizomes stout, creeping, with approximate nodes; stems te-rete, 50-80 cm. long, ascending above; leaves lanceolate to narrowly so, s'sile, 8-13 cm. long, 1.8-25 cm. wide, tapered at both ends, the apex obtuse, glabrous above often with a white longitudinal band in the center, slightly scabrous beneath on the nerves, papillose; flowers (l-)3-5 in an axillary umbel or corymb, greenish white, about 2 cm. long, usually contracted into a short stipe at base, the pedicels slender, shorter than the peduncle; filaments nearly smooth, the anthers about 3 mm. long, shorter than the filaments. May-June. Hills and low mountains;
Hokkaido (according to Miyabe and Kudo), Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea.