Japan Flora: Evergreen glabrous herb from stout creeping rhizomes, the old decayed leaf sheaths covering the base; leaves 50-60 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, rather firm and lustrous above, broadly linear, gradually tapering, the tip obtuse, also gradually narrowed and loosely folded below to a densely imbricated sheath, the midrib impressed above and keeled beneath; scapes 50-100 cm. long, with few small loose leaves; panicle 15-30 cm. long, loosely branched, the flowers on upper part, the pedicels arcuate, 7-15 mm. long, the bracts small, membranous, the tepals spreading, blue, about 6 mm. long, narrowly oblong; filaments relatively stout above, geniculate near the middle; berry ovoid-globose to globose, blue-purple, about 4 mm. in diameter. Apr-Aug. Near seashores;
Honshu (Kii Prov.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus, Formosa, and Malaysia.