Japan Flora: Stout tufted glabrous perrennial, 1.5-2.5 m. high; leaves lanceolate to broadly so, 50-70 cm. long, 7-15 cm. wide, acuminate at both ends, short- petiolate, rather densely ciliate, the ligules 8-10 mm. long, with brown hairs on back; inflorescence nodding, 20-30 cm. long, with brown hairs on axis, the branches 1-2 cm. long, the bracts 1-2.5 cm. long, broadly elliptic, covering the flower-bud3 sub- coriaceous, nerveless, often 2-lobed; calyx about 1.5 cm. long, tubular, split on one side, with deltoid teeth; inner perianthsegments white to pinkish, obtuse, the lip broadly ovate, sub- trilobeda creamy white with red striations; ovary densely pubescent with brown hairs; fruit globose-ovoid, about 2 cm. long, longitudinally ribbed, yellow-vermilion, crowned with the persistent perianth base. July-Aug. Woods in low lands to the foothills;
Kyushu (Cape Sata), Yakushima, and Tanegashima. Ryukyus and Formosa.