Japan Flora: Ascending much-branched subshrub with elongate, slender, terete, pilose branches; leaves membranous, ovate to nar-rowly so, or sometimes broadly lanceolate in the upper ones, 2.5-4 cm. long, 5-20 mm. wide, acute to subobtuse, rounded to subcuneate at base, opposite or alternate, entire, weakly 3- nerved with the lateral nerves reaching 2/3-3/4 the entire length, the cystoliths white-punctiform, callose, the petioles 3-15 mm. long, the stipules deltoid, hyaline; flowers few, in axillary glomerules, nearly sessile; staminate perianth-segments 4, ovate, coarsely pilose; pistillate perianth ovoid in fruit, about 1.2 mm. long, several-ribbed, coarsely pilose; achenes ovoid, scarcely compressed, shining, smooth, black, 1 mm. long, acute at apex; stigma brown, about 1 mm. long, densely pilose, deciduous. Aug.-Oct.
Honshu (Aogashima in Izu Isis.), Kyushu (Yakushima). Ryukyus, Formosa, China to Malaysia, and India.