Russia Flora: Plant 5-35 cm tall, with spherical tuber 0.5-2 cm in diameter. Adventitious roots weakly branched, brown. Flowering shoot with 1(2-3) basal palmately divided or palmately dissected leaf or without it. Stem leaves clustered in upper part of shoot; blades divided into linear-lanceolate segments with more or less developed teeth along margin. Flower on short stalk, later elongating to 4 cm, pubescent with white or yellowish glandular hairs. Sepals 5-8, elliptical, acute, petaloid, pale yellow or almost white, shiny on upper surface. Nectariferous petals broadly triangular, with two lobes in upper part, 3-4 times shorter than sepals. Gynoecium mostly of 4-7 carpels on short stalks. Carpels oblong-elliptical or narrowly lanceolate, with arcuately curved or almost straight style, densely pubescent, as are flower stalks. Seeds 2-3 mm long, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, rounded-elliptical, more or less laterally compressed, brown, matte. 2n = 14 (Starodubtsev, 1985). (Table I).
Distribution: Lower Zeya, Bureya, Amgun, Ussuri (Figure 4). - In shady broad-leaved forests. Ephemeroid. Flowering period: March-May. - General distribution: Japan-China (Northeast China, Korean Peninsula). - Described from Khabarovsk: "At lower Amur: Odshal, in boggy places of deciduous forest, rather rare; May 22, 1855 (fruit). Maximowicz" (type - LE).
Note: The indication for Sakhalin Island: "...upper reaches of Tym River, at the ascent to the White Ridge, in spruce forests. July 17, 1930. Korkeshko A. L., № 310, 315" (Kabanov N. E. 1937, Proceedings of the Far Eastern Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, botanical series 2: 839) is not confirmed by herbarium specimens.