Russia Flora: Plant 6-12 cm tall (during flowering), up to 25 cm (in fruit), with thick main root and often multi-headed caudex. Basal leaves arranged in rosette; leaf blades 2-5 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, oblong-elliptical, entire, with 3 small converging teeth at apex, with 3-5 arcuate veins, dark green above, densely pubescent with white hairs below; petioles 1-3 cm long, channeled, with broadened base. Cauline leaves finely dissected, located below flower; later peduncle elongates by 1-4 cm. Flowers half-open. Perianth segments 6, 2-4 cm long, 0.5-1.8 cm wide, oblong-ovate, acuminate, densely pubescent outside. Nutlets 3-5 mm long, with long (up to 5 cm) styles covered with spreading, almost white hairs. 2n = 16 (Volkova, Ulanova, 1986). (Table VI).
Distribution: Northern Sakhalin (East Sakhalin Mountains). (Fig. 23). - Rare species, growing mostly in subalpine and alpine mountain belts, on rocky slopes, among herbs; populations are also known from low altitudes (20-50 m above sea level). V-VII. - Endemic. - Described from Sakhalin: "Upper Asase, N. Inouye, 22 V 1934" (according to protologue) (type - SAP).