Russia Flora: Plant up to 25 cm tall. Rootstock ascending up to 2 cm long and horizontal up to 20 cm long. Adventitious roots with oval, cuneately narrowed at ends, black-brown root tubers 4-10 mm long, 2-5 mm wide, mostly clustered together. Stem rounded, glabrous, rarely weakly pubescent, with 3-5 membranous white scales and one biternate leaf, on petiole 5-10 cm long. Stem leaves more often ternate, sometimes simple, on petioles up to 3 cm long or sessile, with two lateral auriculate thin white stipules. Leaflets 1-2 cm in diameter, rounded, ovate, three-lobed or three-dissected, bluntly dentate, glabrous or weakly pubescent with simple hairs on lower side. Flower stalks 2-3 cm long, solitary. Flowers 1-2(3). Sepals 5, 7-8 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, obovate or oblong-obovate. Nectariferous petals 5-8, 3 times shorter than sepals, obovate, narrowed at base into funnel. Fruit of 2 strongly reflexed (often almost perpendicular to flower stalk) lanceolate carpels up to 10 mm long, glabrous or with occasional simple hairs. Style 2-4 mm long, straight or curved inward. Seeds 1.5-2 mm in diameter, rounded-ovate, brown, smooth. 2n = 14 (Probatova, Sokolovskaya, 1984).
Distribution: Ussuri (south). (Figure 5). - In broad-leaved and mixed forests, on humus-rich soil. Ephemeroid. Flowering period: May-June. - General distribution: Japan-China (northeastern PRC, Korean Peninsula). - Described from China.
Note: I. manshuricum is often considered within the genus Semiaquilegia Makino, however, according to studies by several authors (Drummond, Hutchinson, 1920; Tamura, 1968, and others), this species is morphologically and phylogenetically closer to species of the genus Isopyrum L.